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Seed Selection (Liquidity Pools)
Mutant seeds are waiting to be selected to help you protect your wealth and the ultimate farmer! Simply click on any seed bag to learn more and manage your liquidity options. Information on the pool will be displayed in the Grow Garden window.
Grow Garden
Status: Farmer
Selected Pool Information: No pool selected yet. Click on a seed bag to view details here.
After selecting a pool, you will be able to see your LP balance and manage your liquidity. For more details on how to manage liquidity, visit the EDEN Library.
Add/Remove Liquidity
Selected Pool Information: No pool selected yet. Click on a seed bag to view details.
Adding liquidity means contributing tokens to the pool, which allows the pool to function properly and earn you rewards. Removing liquidity allows you to take back your contribution. If you need help understanding these concepts, visit the EDEN Library.
Selected Pool Information: No pool selected yet. Click on a seed bag to view details.
Staking LP tokens allows you to earn rewards over time. Think of it as "planting" your tokens to grow rewards. When you're ready, you can "harvest" those rewards by clicking the Harvest button. To learn more about staking, check out the EDEN Library.
Manage Liquidity
Add Liquidity
Harvest Rewards