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Fiat to Doge Dollar KADO powered.

Step 1: Convert Your Local Currency to USDT

In this step, you’ll securely exchange your local currency into USDT (a stable digital currency) on the Polygon network using Kado. Kado is a trusted service that simplifies the process and ensures your transactions are secure.

What’s Happening Here?

  • You’re using Kado to convert fiat currency (like USD, EUR, or CAD) into a stable digital currency called USDT on Ethereum. USDT is pegged to the US dollar, which means its value stays consistent, giving you a stable starting point for entering the EDEN ecosystem.
  • Kado takes care of the conversion and ensures that your transaction is fast, secure, and seamless.

Why This is Safe:

  • Kado partners with leading financial services to make sure your transaction is protected at every step.
  • Your conversion is completed on a regulated platform with compliance and safety measures in place.
  • You can see the estimated fees and transaction times clearly before confirming.


Next Step:

Now that you have USDT, it’s time to bring it into Eden. In the final step you will enter through our stable token Doge Dollar a 1:1 exchange but with a twist ours is collateralized by Dogecoin. Doge Dollar is your key to navigating the entire ecosystem—bridging seamlessly, accessing retail opportunities, and keeping your assets stable. When you’re ready, click below to continue your journey into the Oasis.

Step 2: Seamlessly Exchange USDT for DOGED with Eden's Gate

In this step, you’ll be using the Eden Oasis Gate to securely exchange USDT (a widely-used digital currency) for DOGED, within the EDEN ecosystem. This unique mechanism ensures your assets never leave their native chain, providing maximum security and efficiency.

What’s Happening Here?

You’re utilizing Eden’s Gate to exchange your USDT for DOGED. The Gate is an innovative solution designed to make asset exchanges seamless and secure, eliminating the traditional complexities of bridging assets between networks.

  • Eden’s Gate uses a bridgeless approach to keep your assets on their respective chains, minimizing risks and ensuring transactions are trustworthy.
  • The entire exchange process is handled in a decentralized manner, aligned with Eden’s principles of freedom and unity.

Why This is Safe:

  • 100% Secure: With Eden’s Gate, assets never leave their chain, avoiding the traditional risks associated with off-chain bridging solutions.
  • Transparent and Reliable: Eden’s Gate ensures clear visibility into your transaction and maintains asset integrity every step of the way.
  • User Protection: The Gate mechanism is designed with compliance, transparency, and security at its core, providing you with peace of mind during the exchange.


Next Step:

Well done! Doge Dollar is your key to navigating the entire ecosystem—bridging seamlessly, accessing retail opportunities, and keeping your assets stable. Explore —without boundaries and at your own pace. Take a moment to enjoy; what you’ve achieved is just the beginning guardian.